Chapter 3 – Using Your Wireless Modem
View a List of Stored Messages. Type AT+CMGL=x <press Enter> For x, substitute one of the following:
"REC UNREAD" Shows received unread messages. "REC READ" Shows received read messages. "STO UNSENT" Shows stored unsent messages. "STO SENT" Shows stored sent messages.
"ALL" Shows messages.
The modem will respond AT+CMGL: 1,"REC UNREAD","8585551212",1...
The modem will continue until all UNREAD messages, numbers, and index number are listed.
Read a Stored Message.
Type AT+CMGR=x <press Enter>
The modem may respond with +CMGR: "REC READ", "8585551212", ......
Note: The x represents an index location.
Delete a Stored Message.
Type AT+CMGD=x,n <press Enter>
If you want to delete one message at a time, do not enter a value for n.
For n, substitute one of the following: 0 Delete message at location <include the index number> 1 Delete all READ messages.
2 Delete all READ and SENT messages.
3 Delete all READ, SENT, and UNSENT messages.
4 Delete ALL messages.
The modem will respond OK.
Note: The x represents an index location. The n stands for the type of messages to delete.
SMS Examples
Send Example
Send an SMS message to another SMS compatible device
at+cmgf=1 (set to text mode)
at+cpms="SM","SM" (set memory storage when writing and sending SMS messages) +CPMS: 0,50,0,50
at+cmgs="7632273726" (send message to the number specified in quotes)
>TEST message ONE. (Type message after the > symbol and hit <CTRL + Z> to send the message) +CMGS: 52
Receive Examples
Receive Example 1: Receive SMS messages in text mode by saving to SIM memory – Notification via +CMTI unsolicited response code:
at+cmgf=1 (set to text mode)
at+csms=0 (set to Phase 1) +CSMS: 1,1,1
at+cnmi=2,1,0,0,0 (set to display +CMTI indication when SMS is received)
at+cpms="SM","SM" (set the read and write storage of SMS to SIM) +CPMS: 0,50,0,50
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