WARNING: Do not operate the equipment in the presence of flammable gasses or fumes. Operating electrical equipment in such an environment constitutes a definite safety hazard.
WARNING: If the equipment is used in the manner not specified by
WARNING: Do not perform any services on the unit unless qualified to do so. Do not substitute unauthorized parts or make unauthorized modifications to the unit.
WARNING: Do not operate the unit with the end plates removed, as this could create a shock or fire hazard.
WARNING: Do not operate the equipment in a manner not specified by this manual.
WARNING: Disconnect the power and allow to cool 5 minutes before touching.
WARNING: Disconnect the power cable before removing the end plates.
WARNING: Do not operate the unit with the end plates removed.
WARNING: Do not work on equipment or cables during periods of lightning activity.
WARNING: Do not perform any services on the unit unless qualified to do so.
WARNING: Observe proper DC Voltage polarity when installing power input cables. Reversing voltage polarity can cause permanent damage to the unit and void the warranty.
Rev. 041008 | 4 |