LaCie FireWire 400 PCI Card • DESIGN BY SISMO | Foreword | ||||||||
User Manual |
| page 3 | |||||||
| This symbol on the product | designed collection point for the recycling | the environment. For more information |
| or on its packaging indicates | of waste electrical and electronic equip- | about where you can drop off your waste |
| ||||
| that this product must not be | ment. The separate collection and recy- | equipment for recycling, please contact |
| disposed of with your other | cling of your waste equipment at the time | your local city office, your household waste |
| household waste. Instead, it | of disposal will help to conserve natural | disposal service, or the shop where you |
is your responsibility to dispose of your | resources and ensure that it is recycled in a | purchased the product. | |||||||
waste equipment by handing it over to a | manner that protects human health and |
Health and Safety Precautions
✦✦ Only qualified persons are authorized to carry out maintenance on this de- vice.
✦✦ Read this User Manual carefully, and follow the correct procedure when setting up the device.
✦✦ Do not attempt to disassemble or modify your PCI card. Never insert any metallic object into the circuitry to avoid any risk of electrical shock, fire,
✦✦ Never expose your device to rain, or use it near water, or in damp or wet conditions. Never place objects con-
taining liquids on the PCI card, as they may spill onto its circuitry. Do- ing so increases the risk of electrical shock,
✦✦ Make sure that the computer and PCI card are electrically grounded. If the devices are not grounded, there is an increased risk of electrical shock.
✦✦ Do not expose the PCI card to tem- peratures outside the range of 5° C to 45° C (41° F to 104° F). Doing so may damage the card or disfigure its casing. Avoid placing your card near a source of heat or exposing it to sunlight (even through a window). Inversely, placing your card in an en- vironment that is too cold or humid may damage the unit.
IMPORTANT INFO: Any loss, corrup- tion or destruction of data while using a LaCie drive is the sole responsibility of the user, and under no circumstances will LaCie be held liable for the recovery or restoration of this data. To help pre- vent the loss of your data, LaCie highly recommends that you keep TWO copies of your data; one copy on your external hard drive, for instance, and a second copy either on your internal hard drive, another external hard drive or some other form of removable storage media. LaCie offers a complete line of CD and DVD drives. If you would like more information on backup, please refer to our Web site.