Carrier Class CMTS
for highest requirements
The C10200 also offers all the many advan- tages covered by all Casa DOCSIS 3.0 systems as described above. Furthermore, this specific CMTS platform is specifically designed to cater for the highest demands of any network operator who requires the best possible service availability to be secured. All active functional units can be offered with full redundancy under hot plug and play conditions. Apart from the power supplies and fan trays, this also covers the switch and management unit and the down and upstream modules. The 12 RU 19" housing can be flexibly laid out with 12 down or upstream modules. That would allow a con- figuration of up to 704 downstream and
64 upstream channels. If symmetrically configured, then up to 384 downstream and 384 upstream channels could be enabled.
The C10200 can be configured with two dif- ferent module series.
The "Revision 1" hardware is a particularly suitable option for small and
The appeal of the"Revision 2" hardware lies in its considerably higher packing density and larger switch capacity. 10 GbE interfaces ensure the highest possible data throughput. This variant is the most
In the following the special features of this system are listed.
•19" housing, 12 RU
•12 module slots,
in which any of the downstream
and upstream modules can be inserted
•Extensive redundancy possible for:
-PSU unit (in delivery scope)
-Fan tray (in delivery scope)
-Switch and management module, (optional, 1+1 redundancy)
-Down and upstream modules (optional, n+1 redundancy)
-Network ports (total of 12 ports on switch and management module, in delivery scope)
•Exchangeable fan tray units
•Dual PSU
•Matching rectifier for 230 VAC operation, optionally available:
up to four rectifier modules; Design 19", 1 RU
-Rectifier: Rectifier module.
Note: To operate a C10200 platform, two rectifier modules are required.