•Fully DOCSIS 3.0 compatible
•Channel bonding of up to 16 channels
(800 Mbps) in the forwards path and up to
16 channels (480 Mbps) in the return path
•Dynamic load balancing
•Downwards compatible with all DOCSIS/ EuroDOCSIS 1.0, 1.1 and 2.0 modems
•Separate modules for both the downstream and upstream
•Outstanding features proffered using origi- nal
•Optimally suited for IPTV operational sce- narios using integrated Edge QAM and dynamic load balancing
•Highest module packing density available in the market
•Extended frequency range – up to 1 GHz
•Wide range of operational features, e.g. “show cable modem”, flap list, spectral management and ready for deployment IP bonding
•Highest availability with hot plug and play, power redundancy and modules (C3200 and C10200)
•Three model platforms are offered enabling an optimal match to network size and sub- scriber volume
•Low power draw characteristics
•Front panel LEDs for status display
•Also available as Edge QAM unit (C2150)
With the DOCSIS 3.0 CMTS systems from Casa, Kathrein offers a new generation of CMTS units which set completely new levels of performance respective flexibility, opera- tional features, packing density and econo- my.
A fundamental feature is thereby the full separation of the downstream and upstream channel modules in one physical chassis, allowing a flexible and ongoing system
This enables achievement of extremely high packing densities. One C3200 platform can, for example handle up to 80 downstream and 16 upstream channels or 48 downstream and 48 upstream channels in one single 19" module with only 3 rack units height.
The outstanding technology and highly inte- grated design also ensure a high operational economy. Low cost per channel and simple system extension with software upgrades offer high investment security and enable a comfortable