Enable Virtual Serv- ers
Local IP Address
Port Range
Check to enable virtual server function.
You can set up a local server with specific port number that stands for the service (e.g. web (80), FTP (21), Telnet (23)). When this device receives an incoming access request for this specific port, it will be forwarded to the corresponding internal server. You can add virtual servers by either port numbers or by names.
Maximum 24 Server entries are allowed and each port number can only be assigned to one IP address.
Enter the Local Server’s IP address.
Select the protocol (TCP, UDP or Both) used to the remote system or service.
For TCP and UDP Services, enter the beginning of the range of port numbers used by the service. If the service uses a single port number, enter it in both the start and finish fields.
You may key in a description for the local IP address.
After completing the settings on this page, click Save to save the settings.
Click Reset to restore to default values.