ICP DAS USA 8430, 8KE8, 8KE4, 8830 #01S31C01, #01S31A00cr, Command, Description, Syntax, Example

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# AASiBjDS For single channel DO output






This command sends the value to the digital output module of the specified


channel and slot of the I-8000 unit. This command is only for output


modules which the channel number is less than or equal to 16.







A delimiter character




A 2-character HEX module address for the specified



I-8000 unit ,ranging from 01 to FFh




The specified slot number. i = 0 to 3(4 slots) or



i = 0 to 7(8 slots)




The channel to be set will contain two characters.The



first character ‘B’ is always be number 1, and the



second character ‘j’ indicates the channel will be set



and ranging from 0 to F.




For single channel output the data will contain two



character. The first character ‘D’ is always 0. The



second character is ether 0 or 1. 0 => OFF, 1 => ON.



2-characters of Checksum




Carriage Return (0x0D) to denote the end of







Valid Command




Invalid Command




Any syntax or communication error may receive no response.




A delimiter for valid command




A delimiter for invalid command




A 2-character of checksum








Carriage Return (0x0D) to denote the end of







If any channel of

digital output module (*1) is configured for an analog


input alarms then this command has no effect on the specified channel.


The channel is always used for analog input alarms and can not be


configured again unless it is disconnected.



Refer to: Analog Input Alarm



(*1) For digital output modules not support analog input alarm are :



i-8041, i-87041, i-87042, i-8050












This example is for a single channel. The Digital



output Module in slot 3 and channel 12 (0Ch) of the



I-8000 unit at address 01h will be set to ON. This



example is only for output modules which the channel



number is less than or equal to 16.










8430/8830/8KE4/8KE8 User’s manual, Jan 2005, Version 1.0, 8MS-002-10 ----- 78

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Contents Version 1.0, January I-8430I-8830 I-8KE4-GI-8KE8-G8430/8830/8KE4/8KE8 Ethernet I/O Unit User’s Manual 8430/8830/8KE4/8KE8 Table of Contents Updating MiniOS7 image Download firmwareChapter 1. Introduction ASCII-based protocol DCON Protocol 1.1 FeaturesEthernet -based Data Acquisition I/O unit Various SDK provided freeUpdateable firmware via the RS-232 port I/O configurable via the EthernetSimultaneous access by a maximum of 6 host PCs InternetMore flexible I/O combination and Compact、fasten、quick to install Dual Bus design to supports i-8K and i-87K series I/O modulesBuilt-in Watchdog High performance integrated power supplyVentilated housing design to work between -25 ~+75 Input Protection circuitryEEPROM 1.2 i-8430/i-8830 Hardware SpecificationsSRAM Ethernet portPower supply 20W DimensionMounting mechanism 1.3 i-8KE4/i-8KE8 Hardware Specifications NVRAMReal time clock Power supply 20W 8830 1.4 Front view of 8430/88308430 RS-232/485 COM3Pin assignment of COM1 Port Pin assignment of COM3 Port 1.5 Front view of 8KE4/8KE8 8KE48KE8 Pin assignment of COM1 Port 1.6 8430/8830/8KE4/8KE8 installation Method b DIN-Rail mounting Frame Ground DIN-Rail ClipsStep2 Attach power supply 10 ~ 30 VDC The diagrams below show the basic wiring for the Ethernet I/O44444 1111122222 333331.7 I/O module installation For I-8000 series modules the files are located atFor I-87K series modules the files are located at Pin assignment Wire Connection Step2 Connect the wire Step3 Insert the I/O module into the 8KE4/8KE8 2.1.1 By “Configuration Wizard” Chapter 2. Configure the 8430/8830/8KE4/8KE8 and I/O modules2.1 Configure the network settings By “Configuration Wizard“ By “MiniOS7 Utility” By “SMMI Menu”2.1.2 By MiniOS7 Utility 4.1 4.2 4.21MODE 2.1.3 By SMMI Menu Network ConfigurationPOWER DOWNStep2 The SMMI menu tree Following is the SMMI menu tree Cursor positionStep3 Selection items that can be changed 2.3 Configure I/O modules 2.2 Creating a virtual COM port to map the I/O modulesDCON Utility 3.1 4.1 4.2 4.3 8430/8830/8KE4/8KE8 User’s manual, Jan 2005, Version 1.0, 8MS-002-10 Chapter 3. Using the DCON Protocol 3.1 The feature of using DCON ProtocolStep 1. Connect to the Ethernet controller 3.2 Using the TCP protocol directlyStep 2. Send command with cr Step 3. Receive data from Ethernet controllerThe result will be as below 3.3 Via VxComm technology Chapter 4. Software Development ToolKit free 4.1 Location of documents and softwareThe diagram below show the architecture of the SDK 4.2 DCON Utility DOS 4.2.1 Procedure for using the DCON Utility DOSDCON Utility DOS DCON Utility DOS versionDLL library 4.3.1 Procedure for using the DLL4.3 DCON DLL DCON DLLFAQ.pdf QuickStartManual.pdf4.3.2 VB Example Reading an analog input value VB Step VB Step VB Step Step 7 Write the program codeStep 8 Run the project 4.4 DCON ActiveX 4.4.1 Procedure for using the ActiveXDCON ActiveX ActiveX ocx component Supported modulesInstallOCX.pdf 4.4.2 VB Example Reading an analog input valueStep 5 Add the ActiveX ocx component to the project VB Step VB Step VB Step Step 6 Arrange all the components on the formStep 7 Write the program code 8430/8830/8KE4/8KE8 User’s manual, Jan 2005, Version 1.0, 8MS-002-10Step 8 Run the project Bundled driver for LabVIEW 4.5.1 Procedure for using DCONLabVIEW4.5 DCON LabVIEW DCON LabVIEW8000.llb LabVIEW library contains all sub-vi for I-8000 I/O modules CallDLLinLabVIEW.pdf Explains how to call a sub-vi of in LabVIEW8000Demo Demo programs for I-8000 I/O modules DCONDLL.pdf Descriptions of all sub-function in DCONDLLStep3 Select the sub-vi form Functions Palette Select a VI… 4.5.2 LabVIEW Example Reading multi-channel analog Input value Step4 Select the target *.lib file LabVIEW library fileStep5 Select the desired sub-vi 4.5.2 LabVIEW Demo Program Reading multi-channel analog input value Step7 Draw the data flow of sub-vi2.1 2.2 Step2 Set the parametersStep3 Run the demo 4.6.2 Indusoft Example Reading an analog input value 4.6.1 Procedure for using the Indusoft bundled driver4.6 DCON Indusoft DCON Indusoft5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Step 4 Run Indusoft and create a new projectStep 5 Include the DCON driver Step 6 Configure the DCON driver The address format is Address ModuleID Slot Channel 7.1 7.2Step7 Insert tags to connect to I/O modules Step8 Arrange all the components on the form9.1 9.2 Step9 Double click the text box to assign a tag to itStep10 Run the project NAP OPC server 4.7 NAP OPC Server4.7.1 Introduction OPC Server4.7.2 Procedure for using the OPC server 4.7.3 OPC Server Example Reading an analog input value 4.1 4.2 4.4 4.3 Step 4 Run the OPC server to search for I/O modules on COM3Labview National WIZCON iFix Indusoft Citect Step 5 Save the configuration and close the OPC ServerStep 6 Run SCADA software to connect to the OPC Server Back View Appendix A Dimensionsi-8430 Top ViewSide View i-8830Back View Top Viewi-8KE4 i-8KE8 Appendix B DCON protocol Basic Command FormatB.1 Command Set Frequently used Command table reference+2.1234+2.1234 +2.1234 +2.1234 #01S3+2.1234+2.1234 +2.1234 +2.1234 cr Command#01S3C0 +2.1234cr#01S3C1+09.000 #01S3C1-05.000Read back the Digital Output module value and read the Digital Input A Command to read the data$AASi6 module value of a specified slot in the I-8000 unit#01S30042 #01S300AA55cr8430/8830/8KE4/8KE8 User’s manual, Jan 2005, Version 1.0, 8MS-002-10 #01S31C01 #01S31A00crSet the Channel 0 DO OFF Channel Status#01S31000 #01S31001B.2 Hardware interface Appendix C VxComm technique Use Virtual COM Port interfaceThe two application architectures are shown as below Appendix D i-8K and i-87K series I/O modules i-8000 series i-87K seriesAppendix E Updating firmware and MiniOS7 image E.1 Access the controller Power 10~ 30 VDCCA-0915 6.1 6.2 Step5 Run MiniOS7 Utility Step6 Select the COM port of the host PC2. List files in the Flash ROM 1. MiniOS7 image information i. MiniOS7 image version of the 8430/8830/8KE4/8KE8ii. Files in the Flash ROM E.2 Updating MiniOS7 image E.3 Download firmware