3.Remove the existing switch plate and switch and disconnect its two wires. Save the switch plate and screws to reinstall later.
If there are more than two wires attached to the switch, consult with an electrician about installation. In addition, some local building codes may require installation by a qualified electrician.
4.Connect a wire coming from the receiver to one wire you removed from the switch. Use one of the supplied wire connectors to secure the wires (see Figure 1).
5.Similarly connect the other wire coming from the receiver to the other wire you removed from the switch. Secure the wires with a wire connector
Junction Box
Figure 1 - Receiver Installation
6.Check your wire connections to make sure they are secure and that no bare wires are exposed.
7.Position the receiver with the master switch to the right. Use the two screws you removed earlier and mount the receiver to the wall box. Push the excess wiring into the wall box while you do this. You may have to bend the wires to fit inside the box. You will mount the switch plate later.
8.Turn on the power to the light switch circuit. Do this at your circuit breaker or fuse box.
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