It is important that you connect your loudspeakers (outputs) and source components (inputs) to the Plinius 8200 Integrated Amplifier correctly to ensure the amplifier is not damaged, and sounds its best with your system. Now that you have read and familiarised yourself with the connections on the back of the amplifier, as covered in the previous section, we will now describe in detail the way in which you can connect the amplifier to your system.
Connect your tuner, CD player, tape decks, etc, to the corresponding RCA inputs on the back of the Plinius 8200. Make sure you connect the red coded cable to the red RIGHT RCA input, and the black (or white) cable to the black LEFT RCA input. Also make sure the RCA connectors are a snug fit and are inserted all the way in.
Next, connect your loudspeaker wires to the output posts. Connect your right loudspeaker (i.e. the one on the right of you when seated in your normal listening position) to the right output terminals, ensuring that the red positive (+) terminal is connected to the red terminal on your loudspeaker. Do the same with the black or negative
Connect the external processor’s input to processor ‘source’ on the back of the Plinius 8200. Next connect the external processor’s output channel that the Plinius 8200 will power (i.e. front, rear, centre, or sub) to processor ‘return’ on the rear panel.
Set the processor switch to ‘processor in’ and set the source selector on the front panel to the corresponding device you wish to listen to. The signal from the device being listened to will now be sent to the processor, split into
Note that in this configuration it is best to set the channel levels as required on the processor, then use the volume control on the front of the Plinius 8200 to control the level to the whole system.
Connect the external processor’s output that the Plinius 8200 will power (i.e. front, rear, centre, or sub) to the processor ‘return’ input on the rear panel. Leave processor ‘source’ disconnected.
Set the processor switch to ‘processor in’ and the Plinius 8200 will simply amplify the signal it receives from the processor. Note that in this configuration the volume control on the Plinius 8200 will not have any bearing on the signal level, as the external processor will have control over the entire system volume.