Chapter 7
IPX Routing Tables
IPX Statistics defined
The IPX Routing Tables window displays statistics containing information about IPX Routing on your ATX. The ATX’s ports can be configured to route IPX (Internetwork Packet Exchange) packets, see the IPX Routing section in Chapter 2, for more information. IPX is Novell’s proprietary protocol that specifies how information is to be broken up into separate packets, and how those packets are to be addressed in order to transfer data between the server and workstations on the network. The ATX identifies IPX packets and routes them appropriately.
To display the IPX Routing Tables window from the ATX Hub View:
1.Click on the PPE’s Module Index (Module 1). The Module menu will appear.
2.Drag down to IPX Routing Tables, and release. The IPX Routing Tables Routing window, Figure