TransPort® WR44v2 Installation Guide
4.3 Command Line Interface (CLI)
In order to configure the unit serially, ensure that the unit is connected to a PC (as outlined in Step 5 on page 15 of the Installation section). Also, terminal emulation software (such as HyperTerminal) will be required.
4.3.1 CLI Notes
•To view the current configuration settings, enter the command CONFIG C SHOW.
•To save changes made to the unit, enter the command CONFIG 0 SAVE.
•All entered commands will take effect immediately.
4.3.2 Communication Settings
Step 1) Configure the following settings for the unit:
COM Port: [select the appropriate port; typically COM1]
Baud Rate: 115200
Data Bits: 8
Stop Bits: 1
Parity: No Parity
Flow Control: None
Step 2) Ensure the connection is active by entering the command AT. If the device is functioning properly, it will return the response OK.
Step 3) Ensure the COM port is setup correctly by entering the command ATI5.
4.3.3 Network Settings
To configure the unit with an IP address as part of an existing network, use the commands below.
Note: The DHCP server will still operate unless it is disabled.
Command |
| Description |
ETH 0 IPADDR | XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX | Sets the Eth 0 IP address |
ETH 0 MASK | XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX | Sets the Eth 0 subnet mask |
As an example, to assign the IP address, the following commands would be entered:
Note: When setting the mask to the above value, it will not appear in the output of the CONFIG C SHOW command as it is a default value.
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