U p d a t i n g a c o r r u p t e d s y s t e m u s i n g a d e b u g g e r
Updating a corrupted system using a debugger
ConnectCore 9P 9360/9750
If the Flash memory has become corrupted and the system cannot boot anymore, then the Flash memory must be re-programmed using the JTAG interface and the JTAG-Booster.
Connect the JTAG-Boosters 8-pin connector to the development board (JTAG X12). The two black cables point to pin 1.
Set DIP-switch S4-1 to "on" and S4-2 to S4-8 to "off".
Copy the JTAG tools from the LxNETES-3.2 CD to the host system. A detailed manual how to setup the JTAG-Booster can be found on the LxNETES-3.2 CD, hardware/jtag.
On a Linux system use a tool like dosemu to get the JTAG tools running.
Once you have installed the JTAG tools on your host computer, copy the U-Boot image that you want to program into the Flash memory, to the same directory and execute the batch file to flash U-Boot.
After a successful programming of U-Boot, the kernel and the Root File System can be updated (if they were corrupted, too).
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