6.Press PLAY/PAUSE to play the tracks in the programmed order. PROGRAM appears and the sys- tem displays the current tray and track number.
•You can use SKIP or SKIP
and SEARCH or
SEARCH to move between se- lections during programmed play.
•You cannot use random play while a programmed sequence is stored.
•Pressing DISC SKIP has no ef- fect while a programmed se- quence plays.
7.Programmed play automatically stops at the end of the last pro- grammed track. To stop the CD player at any time during pro- grammed play, press STOP . The last programmed CD’s num- ber and number of tracks appear.
•To replace a track while play is stopped, repeatedly press PRO- GRAM until the track number you want to replace appears.
•To add a track while play is stopped, press PROGRAM once, - - - appears. Then repeat Steps
Reviewing the Programmed Sequence
While play is stopped, repeatedly press PROGRAM to review the pro- grammed sequence. You see the track number and the track’s se- quence number.
Erasing the Programmed Sequence
To erase the entire programmed se-
quence, press STOP twice. PRO- GRAM disappears and the current tray number and the number of tracks ap- pear. You can also erase the pro- grammed sequence by sliding FUNCTION to any other position.
Even though a compact disc is very durable, treat the CD surface with care. We recommend the following precautions:
•Do not place anything but a CD in the disc tray. This can damage the drive mechanism.
•Do not write on either side of the CD, particularly the