Axis Communications AXIS 243Q Assign an IP address, Axis Camera Management, Changing IP addresses

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AXIS 243Q Blade Installation Guide

Assign an IP address

To make it accessible on the network, the AXIS 243Q Blade must be assigned four IP addresses, one for each video input.

AXIS Camera Management

AXIS Camera Management can automatically find and assign IP addresses, show connection status, and manage firmware upgrades for multiple Axis video products.

Automatic assignment of IP addresses

AXIS Camera Management speeds up the process of assigning IP addresses to multiple devices, by suggesting IP addresses from a specified range.

1.Check that the AXIS 243Q Blade is connected to the network and that power has been applied.

2.Start AXIS Camera Management. The AXIS 243Q Blade appears in the window, with one entry for each video input. These are shown as AXIS 243Q(1) Blade, AXIS 243Q(2) Blade, AXIS 243Q(3) Blade, and AXIS 243Q(4) Blade. Double-click an entry to open the home page for that video input.

3.See page 7 for instructions on how to set the password.

Changing IP addresses

1.To change IP addresses, select the devices you wish to configure and click the Assign IP button.

2.Select Obtain IP addresses automatically (DHCP), click the Update button and the program will search in the specified range and suggest an IP address for each device. -or-

Enter the range of IP addresses, the subnet mask and default router that devices can use and click the Update button.

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Contents Axis 243Q Page Installation steps Package contentsHardware overview Axis 243Q Blade Video ServerAxis 291 1U Video Server Rack LED IndicatorsPower NetworkAutomatic assignment of IP addresses Assign an IP addressAxis Camera Management Changing IP addressesSet the password Axis 243Q Blade User’s ManualOther methods of setting the IP address Set the IP address with ARP/PingResetting to the Factory Default Settings Further informationTip Page Étapes de linstallation Contenu de lemballageArticle Modèles/variantes/remarques Présentation du matériel Serveur vidéo Axis 243Q BladeRéseau Baie de serveur vidéo 1U AxisTémoins DEL ÉtatAttribution dune adresse IP Attribution automatique des adresses IPChangement des adresses IP Définition du mot de passe Manuel de lutilisateur de lAXIS 243Q BladeAutres méthodes de définition de ladresse IP Définition de ladresse IP à laide dARP/PingRétablissement des paramètres dusine par défaut Plus dinformationsConseil Page Wichtig InstallationsschritteLieferumfang Komponente Modelle/Varianten/AnmerkungenHardwareübersicht Axis 243Q Blade VideoserverVideoeingänge Der Axis Axis 291 1U-Videoserver-Rack LED-AnzeigenBetrieb IP-Adresse zuweisen Automatische Zuweisung von IP-AdressenIP-Adressen ändern Festlegen des Kennworts Benutzerhandbuch für Axis 243Q BladeHinweise Andere Methoden zum Festlegen der IP-AdresseIP-Adresse per ARP/Ping festlegen DHCP-ServersZurücksetzen auf werkseitige Voreinstellungen Weitere InformationenTipp Page Importante Procedura di installazioneContenuto della confezione Articolo Modello/varianti/notePanoramica dell’hardware Video server Axis 243Q BladeIndicatori LED Rack video server Axis 291 1UAssegnazione di un indirizzo IP Assegnazione automatica di indirizzi IPModifica degli indirizzi IP Impostazione della password Manuale dellutente per Axis 243Q BladeAltri metodi di impostazione dell’indirizzo IP Impostazione dellindirizzo IP con ARP/PingRipristino delle impostazioni di fabbrica Ulteriori informazioniSuggerimento Page Pasos de instalación Contenido del paqueteArtículo Modelos/variantes/notas Presentación del hardware Servidor de vídeo Tarjeta Axis 243QRed Soporte del Bastidor Axis 291 1U para servidores de vídeoIndicadores LED EstadoAsignación de una dirección IP Asignación automática de direcciones IPCambio de direcciones IP Configuración de la contraseña Manual del usuario de Tarjeta Axis 243QCuadro de diálogo Escribir la contraseña de red Notas Otros métodos para configurar la dirección IPConfiguración de la dirección IP con ARP/Ping Servidor DhcpRestablecimiento de los valores iniciales Más informaciónSugerencia Page Part No r2