◗The SSID field will be populated now. Depending on whether or not the wireless network is using WEP Encryption or not, the Encryption Key option may be set to 'Encrypt' or 'No Encryption'. If it is set to 'No Encryption' then you are already connected
to the wireless network, and you may skip to the last step on this page. If the Encryption Key option is set to 'Encrypt' then you will need to enter the correct encryption type and key and press the 'Apply Settings' button. The drop down menu references the type of encryption key used, either WEP, TKIP, or AES. It is important that you know not only your encryption
key but also the type of key. Please consult your Router/Acess Point's wireless settings and documentation for further information.
◗The 'Finalize Connecting' page will appear. Press the 'Back' link.
◗The main Web Based Configuration page will now list the connection information in the 'Wireless Connection Status' table.