Configuring a WDS Bridge
Your AirStation’s WDS bridging capability allows you to extend the size of your wireless network by adding additional AirStations, all connected wirelessly.
In this simple example, we’ll connect two AirStations in a wireless bridge. You may use these same steps to add additional bridges for greater coverage.*
For easiest configuration, we recommend configuring all components in close proximity before deploying them to their final positions. Wired connections make initial configuration even simpler.
The first AirStation will be the router that receives the internet connection. On the bottom of the AirStation, make sure that the switch
is set to “AUTO”. If desired, you may connect the Ethernet cable from your cable or DSL modem to its WAN port now, though this is not necessary for configuration. Power on the first AirStation.
The second AirStation will be configured as a repeater/bridge. Make sure that its switch is set to “BRI”. Use a