802.11n Wireless CardBus
4.2 Link Status
Link status page shows detail information about the current connection.
1.Status: Shows the current connected SSID / BSSID. If there’s no active connection currently, “Disconnected” will be displayed.
2.Extra Info: Shows link status and its transmit power
3.Channel: Shows the current connected channel
4.Link Quality: Based on signal strength and TX/RX packet error rate (%)
5.Signal Strength: Shows in percentage (%) or dBm
6.Noise Level: Shows noise and signal strength ratio (%). If the value of this item is high, data transfer rate will drop.
Link Speed: Shows current transmitting rate (Mbps)
Throughput: Shows current transmitting throughput (Kbps)
8. Receive:
Link Speed: Shows current receiving rate (Mbps)
Throughput: Shows current receiving throughput (Kbps)