Advanced Setup
Modulation Methods
The following modulation methods are supported by the 6212 ADSL router:
G.dmt Enabled
G.lite Enabled
T1.413 Enabled
ADSL Enabled
Annex L Enabled
ADSL2+ Enabled.
Do not change this setting unless so directed by your ISP.
Phone Line Pair
The 6212 ADSL router supports phone lines on pins 2 and 3 or pins 1 and 4 to connect your ADSL line. If your phone system uses pins 2 and 3, attach a normal RJ11 cable to the router and select "Inner pair" on the screen; if your phone system uses pins 1 and 4, attach the phone with the supplied RJ11 cable and select "Outer pair" on the screen.
The following are included under Capability:
Bitswap Enable
SRA (Seamless Rate Adaptation) Enable
Do not change these settings unless so directed by your ISP.
DSL Advanced Settings
Do not change the DSL Advanced Settings unless so directed by your ISP. To view the DSL Advanced Settings screen, click on the Advanced Settings button on the DSL Settings screen (see Figure 69).
There are five test modes between the router and your ISP:
Normal test: Puts the router in a test mode in which it only sends a Normal signal.
Reverb test: Puts the router in a test mode in which it only sends a Reverb signal.
Medley test: Puts the router in a test mode in which it only sends a Medley signal.
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