Step 8: Click OK to back to the previous screen and click OK again to back to Connection Profile Configuration screen.
5.2 Deleting Dial-in User Profiles
Follow the steps to delete a
Step 1: Select Connection Profiles from the Menu Window.
Step 2: Highlight the entry in the list you want to delete, and click Delete.
5.3 Packet Filtering
To add a new packet rule or to edit an existing one, select IP Filter from the Configuration Menu. Then IP Filtering Configuration window will appear.
Step 1: From the IP Filtering Configuration screen, select the WAN profile of interest from the pull
down menu. For example, if your only need is to access the Internet, you should only select the Internet access profile.
Step 2: Select send or discarded as desired, which is equivalent to allow and disallow, respectively.
Step 3: If you are just starting, click Add to add a new selection rule. If you have previously defined rules, you will see those rules shown as entries in the rule table, and you can edit the rule by first highlighting the desired entry in the rule table followed by clicking the Edit button.
Step 4: In case of adding a new selection rule, the following screen shows.