Hayes Microcomputer Products V.92/56K manual 067

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After you have connected the telephone set, lift your telephone handset and check for a dial tone.



Image 15
Contents Page # $ # !, # $ # $-8 $ #!## $% $ =?=7 Page $!$ # $% 12F4 Prepare to install the card. See Chapter # $ Installing the Card 067 # &!*+$ #, &!+ #1 /0! + #2 0!% Page # Hayes V.32 Hayes compatible 2400 Baud # $25#3# % !$ 1 # $ *%/%+# $*?6?6--+!$ $ $# # $ %7 #6@#67%#/G#6//7/*#!#! # +# 6 =7/# 67% ????# Page $2J4J $22J4BJ R2 $22J4BJ RE4 =!D J77 $ $ $ 0 % $*!+ #,/0 2324 25/ 2-$2 AT&F ATE0 ″1234 $ %P 67!.!8