Ping Test | The Ping Test is usually accomplished within the Configure | Failure during this test can occur from invalid |
| TCP/IP step, where SBC Express pings the default gateway. | network settings, the Ethernet cable not being |
| An explicit IP address can also be used. | plugged in, the DSL modem not being in |
| synch, or if the specified IP address does not |
| allow a ping. |
| Make sure your Ethernet cable is plugged in |
| and powercycle your DSL modem. Use the |
| “Retry” button to try the test again. |
DNS Test | The DNS Test will determine the currently defined DNS | This test can fail if the DNS server is invalid. |
| servers, attempt to ping them, and upon a successful ping, | If you entered static IP information, ensure you |
| will resolve a specified hostname to an IP address. | entered the DNS servers correctly. |
This concludes the DSL Equipment Installation Guide
Installation Guide for Customer | Page 27 |
©2001 SBC Advanced Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. |