Bin Full
When the bin is full the shredder will not function and the bin full symbol will illuminate and flash red, the green will switch off and the
will illuminate red.
When this happens you must empty the bin.
•Pull open the drawer to empty. (RSX128)
•Open the door to locate the bin (RDS1713, RDX1413,
GDM10, GDHS7, RDS1819, RDX1619)
Once the bin is empty, close the door/drawer and press the auto button to resume shredding.
Note: RSX128, RDX1413, RDX1619, GDM10, GDHS7 - Once the bin has been reinserted and/or cabinet door has been closed, the shredder will run in reverse for three seconds and then forward for three seconds to clear away any remaining paper from the cutter mechanism. This unique
Shredder Accessories
GBC shredder bags 1765010 should be used with models RDS1713, RDX1413, GDM10, GDHS7, RDS1819, RDX1619. We recommend that no bags are to be used for the models RSX128.