GBC TL300 Determinesheetwidth, Binding, Emptychipdrawer, Service, Specifications

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Thankyouforpurchasingfhe GBCOocuBindTL300.Thissys- temfeaturesournewexctusivewirehotderdesignthat enablesyouto assembleyourdocumentasyoupunch,making it easierto loadpaperontothebindingcombthanprevious systems!TheOocuBindTL300advancedpunchingtechnology alsomakesit easierto punchmorepaperat oncewhife providinggrealerreliabifily.


1Pushthe handle(A) onto the shaft locatedon the right side of the machine(seefigure 1), Alignthe flat spotof the handlewith the flat of the shaftandsecureit with the allen wrenchprovided.

2.InsertU shapedwire supportbracketinto holeson top rear of machine.

3.Firmlypushthe femaleendof the powercord into the powercord receptacle(A1) locatedon the backof the machine.

A CAUTION:Makesure this step is completeprior to

..plugging the male end of the powercord into a power receptacle.

4 Plugthe maleendof the powercord into an appropriate powerreceptacle


1.SetEdgeGuide(B) to papersizeyou wish to bind (11", 8-1/2" lettersize,11-1/4"oversizedcover,A4 ring, A5. JapanA4) (seefigure 1). Whenusingoversizedcovers,set the EdgeGuideon Covers.punchall of the coversfor your job andsetaside.Movethe EdgeGuidebackto the 11" sellingto punchyour contentsthen bind.


1.Slidethe BinderSizeropen(C) (seefigure 1).


3.Releasethe BinderSizerandselectthe wire binding elementthat correspondswith the sizeshownby guide. Forbestresults.alwaysuseGBCbrandcoverswith GBC color-coordinatedwire


1.Lift the PaperSupport(0) into place(optional).

2.Alignsheetsor coversandinsertedgeto be boundinto punchthroat(01).

3.Jogthe sheetsuntil theyareflush againstthe edgeguide andthe bottomof the punchthroat.Allowthe paperto rest againstthe PaperSupport,or,you maypreferto holdthe sheetsin placewith onehand.

4.To punch,pressthe PUNCH~ button(D2).The DocuBindTL300punchesup to 12 sheetsof 20 Ib./80 grampaperat once.PunchonlyTWOclearcoversat a timeto preventjamsandexcessivewear.

5.If punchjams,de~s the RESET[Z]button (D3).Then pressthe PUNCH~button (D2) againandremovepaper or coversfrom punchthroat (it maybe necessaryto punch severaltimes in orderto removethe paper).Repeatsteps1 to 4 with slightly lesspaperto avoidpunchjamson addi- tionallifts.


1.Usingthedialonthe left sideadjusttheWireCrimperto correspondwith thewireelementsizeto beused.

2.Placethe largeloopsof the wireelementinto theWire Holderas shownin figure3. Besureit is firmly secured with the smallloopsfacingtowardyou.

3.Placeyour punchedpagesfacedownwardontothe small loopsof thewireelement.Thenplaceyourfront andback coversface-to-faceagainsteachother.Placethe covers ontothewire elementwith the backcoverfirst andthe insideof thefront coverfacingupward.Thisstepensures thataftercrimpingthe seamof thewireelementwill be hiddenbetweenthe backcoverandlastpage(figure4).

4.Holdthewire elementfirmly at eachendof the bookand removeit from the Wire Holderby slidingit to the left or lifting it off. Whilefirmly holdingthewire elementat each endplacethe bookwith the openendof the wireface downinto the WireCrimper.Youcanreleasethe book so it restsagainstthe suppOr1rackor continueto hold it with onehand(figure5).

5.Tocrimp the wire togetherpullthe handledowntoward you completelyuntil it goesno fur1her.Removethe book andflip the front coveraroundto the front. Your presentationis nowcomplete.


1EmptyChipDrawer(F)afterrepeateduse.Pulldrawer gentlytowardyou to open.Whenputtingbackin, the drawerwill snapinto place(seefigure 6).



Quar1et,GBCCompany 5700OldOrchardRoad Skokie,IL 60077USA 1-800-541-0094 http.llwww.quar1etgbccom





18.(W)x81/2. (H)x16. (0) 457mmx 216mmx 406mm


115VAC,60Hz,4.3 amps,130 wattsor 230VAC,50Hz, 1.3amps


12 sheetsof 20 Ib paper


12 sheetsof 80gm2paper


125sheetsor 9116"



MaximumSheetWidth" 11.7"(297mmA4)

Dis-engagablePunchPins: 1 (A5paper)

within wire storagebin


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Contents Operating Instructions Page Binding ServiceSpecifications DeterminesheetwidthElectricalsafeguards Safetymessages~PUNCH ~RESET Importantsafeguards Generalsafeguards