IBM PS1500 owner manual Record Windows

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These types of windows appear when PS1500 is set to record a User Style, Song/Style or Song. The display differs slightly for each specific ele- ment. In all cases, the metronome is activated automatically when the RECORD button is pressed. The top line of the display shows “MT” to indicate the activation. A recorded track is set to “play” and a mute track to “off”.

The User Style Record window shows (on the top line) the Tempo setting, the Metronome acti- vation symbol (MT), the User-Style name, the Measure counter and the name & bank of the Sound assigned to the selected track. The bot- tom line shows the five parameters representing the Style tracks that can be recorded (Drums, Bass, Acc1, Acc2, Acc3). The selected parame- ter is shown as a Program Change number. On the extreme right is the Style Variation and Riff being recorded (Variation: Maj, Min, 7th, etc.).

The Song/Style Record window shows (on the top line) the Tempo setting, the Metronome acti- vation symbol (MT), the Song/Style name, the Measure counter and the name & bank of the Sound assigned to the selected keyboard track in record. The bottom line shows the name of the Style being recorded, the record status of the Chord track (in this case active to record chord events) and three parameters representing the keyboard sections (Upper 1, Upper 2, Lower). The selected track is shown as a Program Change number.

The Song Record window shows (on the top line) the Tempo setting, the Metronome activation sym- bol (MT), the Song name, the Measure counter and the name & bank of the Sound assigned to the selected track. The bottom line shows eight parameters representing the Song Tracks (tracks 01-08). Tracks 09-16 are shown by pressing the Track Select button in the 16 Track Recording Studio. The selected parameter in record is shown as a Program Change number.

The Display

120 MT User01 Mes=00 :1 Bk2Stand1:Tr01

113 Off Off Off Off


User Style Record window showing the Major riff of Variation 1 of the Drums track selected for recording

120 MT Free01 Mes=00 :1 Bk1PIANO1:Tr08


Chord=Rec off off 1

Song/Style Record window showing the Upper 1 keyboard section selected for recording

120 MT Empty1 Mes=00 :1 Bk1FINGER:Tr02

Play 34 off off off off off off

Song Record window showing Song Track 1 recorded and Track 2 selected for recording

Basic concepts 3•11

Image 59
Contents Cod Important Safety Instructions Federal Communications Commission Stock Code Contents Ii Contents Midi 10 Reference GuideSample / Record AppendixMultimedia Facilities PS1500 How to use the manualCongratulations Polyphony & multitimbricity SpecificationsSampling Baldwin Piano & Organ Company 1996. All rights reserved Important InformationImportant Preliminary Notes System ResetVi Introduction User Guide General Safety Instructions At this point, PS1500 is ready to play Power UP and GET to Know the BasicsInitial status / Adjusting the General Volume Initial Status DefaultAdjusting the General Volume Automatic Accompaniment Play with Auto Accompaniment StylesPress Single Touch Play Select a StyleAutomatic Accompanment Play a different chordDemo Style Demo StyleListen to the Demo Styles Select a Style with the corresponding Function buttonDial scrolls through all the songs present on disk MultimediaSelect a Song by rotating the Dial Select the Song with the corresponding Func- tion buttonSong Edit Sound plays across the full keyboard Selecting Instrument SoundsPress the Grand Piano button Press a Sound Groups buttonRepeat and listen to other Sounds Play on the keyboard Select the Preset called GrandPSelecting the Programmable Presets Selecting the Programmable PRE- SetsObservations Press the Upper 2 activatorPress the Lower activator Second sound is introduced String, lay- ered with the firstChange the Touch Sensitivity Play the Programmable PadsPlay with Effects or bypass them Press a deactivated buttonBypass To activate an effectHeadphones/Pedals Play with HeadphonesPlug a set of headphones into the left headphone socket All three pedals are switch action controlsRev=Reverb F1/F2, Eff=Effect F3/F4, Loud=Loudness F5/F6 General Effect volumes and loudnessTranspose the instrument Clear the keyboard transpose settingTranspose the Instrument SEMI- Tones Playback stops instantly Play All SongsInsert a PS Songs disk or MidiFile data disk into the drive Press Play ALL SongsSong Play Direct from Disk Song Play Direct from DiskPress the Disk button Select the Song a or MidiFile b option from the LoadDon’t forget to remove the Floppy disk from the drive Scroll through the files and select a Song or MidiFileRecording a Song/Style Recording a Song/StyleThis is the quickest and most direct recording method Use the Fills Change Variation Press Record in the SequencerStart playing after the one bar lead Any notes you play during the lead-in will not be recordedSave the Song/Style to disk Buttons Without Leds Buttons with LedsDisplay PowerkeyboardFront panel Control panel Left section Style Song Groups Volume AccompanimentTranspose Central sectionSound Groups Edit Control panel Right sectionVAR 1, VAR 2, VAR 3, VAR Front Panel buttons & controlsOnds if no selection has been made Display ContrastDisk Quantize an auto corrector of timing errorsEdit Rear Panel model with Speakers box Speakers for PS1500 models with Speakers box Rear Panel ConnectionsSvhs Video output in SVHS/Composite Video stand- ard PS1500 offers three different play modes STYLE/PRESET ModePlay Modes STYLE/PRESET, SONG/ Style & Song Single Touch Play SONG/STYLE ModeStyle Lock off. Selecting a Preset selects live Style lockProgrammable Presets Real Time Song ModePresets Grand Piano presetPresets via MIDI? Style PresetSong/Style Preset Song PresetSounds TracksEdit modes Edit ModesMidi Power SupplyOutput PedalsComputer Right/M, Left + VolumeInput RGB, S-VHS Video outputs HeadphonesSpeakers AUDIO/VIDEO InterfaceDisplay Main displaySelection windows Other types of Selection windowsRecord Windows These messages are closed with Enter or ES- Cape Edit PagesUser Messages and Warnings Data Entry Data EntryNavigating Modifying parameters with the Sliders Modifying parameters with the DialModifying On/Off parameters with the Function button Previous entry Inserting Alphanumeric DataName write situations Inserting measures ENTER/ESCAPEKeyboard modes Full ModeSounds and Tracks Keyboard Activators Ways of Selecting SoundsKeyboard Activators Selecting Single Sounds Selecting Single SoundsPress one of the Select buttons Assign a Sound to a keyboard trackSelect the desired Sound or Drumkit with the Function button To assign Sounds to tracks other than the key- board tracks Assigning a Sound to the Grand Piano presetSelecting Presets Selecting PresetsSelect a Preset using the corresponding Function button Press PAGE-/Bank- to select the previous Pre- set To Select the PresetsGrand Piano Preset Grand Piano PresetSelect Grand Piano in Preset mode Select Grand Piano in Style modeSelect other items as required Press Display HoldSelect an item HOW the Sounds are Arranged How to Program PresetsProgramming the Presets Assigning Sounds to tracks Press Preset in the Edit sectionTimeout display shows 8 Sounds to choose from Assigning Sounds to TracksNew situation is permanently memorized Press Escape to close the Edit Preset Program ChangeChanging the Track status Changing the Track StatusKeyboard tracks Upper 1, Upper 2, Lower To change the status of the keyboard tracksSong tracks correspond to tracks 1 Change the status of a Style, Song/Style or Song trackPress and hold Easy PLAY/SPLIT Changing the Keyboard ModeFollowing example outlines how to select the keyboard modes Changing the Keyboard ModeSet Rotate the Dial to set Mode to Full or Split as requiredPress Escape to close the window Changing Track Volumes Lock the mixer setting for all PresetsTransposing Tracks Transposing the Tracks by Semitones+ value = transpose UP, value = trans- pose Down For example How to Store PresetsStore Preset Saving Changes to the Current PRE- SET Press Store PresetYou can choose from the 64 memory loca- tions available Current Preset name is shown at the Old name position Change the Name of a PresetPress PRESET. in the Edit section Change the Preset name using the keys of the keyboardRestore Preset Restoring the Original Preset SET- TingsUser Guide User Styles are discussed in a separate chapter About PS1500 StylesStyle Display Selecting Styles Selecting StylesSounds of the live keyboard tracks re- main unchanged Select Presets to recall StylesTurn off Single Touch Play If on, Single Touch Play deactivates au- tomatically Select a Style with the PROGRAM- Mable PresetsSelect a Preset Deactivate Style LockAuto Accompaniment tracks Accompaniment tracksTo view the Accompaniment tracks KEY Start can be turned off by Style ControlsSTART/STOP KEY START/CONTINUEDial Tempo To vary the TempoIntro EndingStyle Lock Variation, Fill, Style LockVariation 1,2,3,4 FILL, FILL, FILL/TAP TempoTwo keyboard modes Full and Split Accompaniment sectionEasy Play / Split Piano StyleTempo Lock MemoryMixer Lock Lower MemoryChord Recognition modes Grand Piano Preset recalls the Free mode by defaultOne Finger Chords There are four possible chord recognition modes availablePress and hold Piano Style Modifying the Chord Recognition modeModifying the Chord Recognition Modes Changing the Split Point Changing the Split PointSplit Point is Harmony Type Single Touch PlayHarmony On/OffSelect the option with the corresponding Func- tion button How to select a Harmony Type optionHow to select the Harmony Type Press Harmony TypeActivate Style Lock Selecting Programmable Presets During Style PlayExamples Selecting Presets during Style play Activate Single Touch PlayPlay freely Select other Programmable PresetsPress INTRO, Ending or Fill to activate the in- troduction Stop the accompaniment with Ending or START/ Stop Start to play the Style Press each button to cancel the LEDMute ONE or More Accompaniment Tracks Deactivate tracks 3, 4Examples Changing Style without stopping the accompaniment Changing Style Without Stopping AccompanimentPlay freely with the new Style Press FILL, Intro or Ending Play normallyPress START/STOP or Ending to stop the accom- paniment Tempo Save the Tempo to a PresetPress Store Preset to save the Preset Current tempo setting can be saved to a Pre- setPress F5 or F6 to select the Preset command