design, you get stable, consistent color under all viewing conditions, in addition to high optical efficiency.
In addition, the Sony 4K projectors mount the SXRD panels into optical engines that provide almost precisely equal length for the Red, Green and Blue beams. This feature also helps provide consistent, natural color.
SXRD Panel R
| CondenserTrimming Filter R |
| ||
| Lens 2R | Pre- | Main | |
| ||
| PBS R | |
| Mirror R |
| PBS R | |
| ||
Collimator | P/S Converter |
| Post |
Lens |
| PBS R |
| ||
| Condenser | Dichroic Mirror R1 |
| SXRD | Main | Post | Cross | |
| Lens 1 | ||||
| Panel G | PBS G | PBS G | Dichroic | |
| prism | |||
| |
| Dichroic | Pre- |
| Mirror C |
| |
| PBS |
| Post | |
| ||
Fly Eye 1 | Fly Eye 2 |
| |
Condenser |
| PBS | ||
| Mirror C | Trimming Filter G | B | ||
| Lens 2C | Main | |||
| Pre- | |
| Dichroic Mirror G | PBS B | PBS | |
Trimming Filter B
SXRD Panel B
This schematic view of the Sony 4K light engine shows the three SXRD panels and the nearly
This simplified rendering shows the SXRD panels, Main PBS blocks and the final Cross Dichroic Prism, where the three colors combine.
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