Reader‘s Feedback
snom technology AG welcomes your evaluation of this manual and any sugges- tions you may have. These help us to improve the quality and usefulness of our documentation.
Please send your comments and suggestions to:
snom technology AG
Attention: Marketing Department Pascalstr. 10B, 10587 Berlin, Germany Fax: +49 (30)
Manual Name: snom 4S NAT Filter Admin Manual 2.10
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overall? |
Are the installation instructions ef- | | | | |
fective? |
Are the configuration instructions | | | | |
effective? |
Is the document properly organized? | | | | |
Are the illustrations usefull and easy | | | | |
to understand? |
Are the suggested and default val- | | | | |
ues useful? |
Did you find any errors in the document (please reference page)?
How might we improve this manual?
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