HotBrick Network Solutions
Figure 13 Host IP Setup
Settings – Host IP Setup
Host Network Identity
This section identifies each Host (PC)
•Host List – When adding a new Host, ignore this list. To edit an existing entry, select it from the list, and click the "Select" button. The data fields will then be updated with data for the selected entry.
•Host name – Enter a suitable name. Generally, you should use the "Hostname" (computer name) defined on the Host itself.
•MAC Address – Also called Physical Address or Network Adapter Address. Enter the MAC address of this host.
•Select Group – Select the group you wish to put this host into.
•Reserve in DHCP – Select Enable to reserve a particular (LAN) IP address for a particular PC on your LAN. This allows the PC to use DHCP (Windows calls this "obtain an IP address automatically") while having an IP address which never changes.
•Reserved IP – Enter the IP address you wish to reserve, if the setting above is Enable. Otherwise, ignore this field.