Hand Held Products 4X00 Series GetRegisterSettingsForHHPExposureControlICMedia, IllumIsOnICMedia

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This function is used for the hardware DLL to give the driver access to the register settings needed for its hardware platform.

The structure below represents the array data type the GetRegisterSettingsForHHPExposureControlICMedia function returns to the driver via the ppRegisterEntries pointer:

typedef struct {

unsigned char nRegister; unsigned char nValue;

} ICMediaRegisterEntry_t;

DWORDGetRegisterSettingsForHHPExposureControlICMedia( ICMediaRegisterEntry_t **ppRegisterEntries


Passed Arguments


ICMediaRegisterEntry_t **ppRegisterEntries

A pointer to a location where a pointer to the register settings can be set. The ICMediaRegisterEntry_t is defined above. The table itself is an array of these structures having a register location, and the value it is to be set to in each entry.


DWORD - The number of entries in the table returned to the driver.


This function returns the number of rows in the image.

DWORD GetScanHeight(




Number of rows or zero on failure.


This function returns the number of columns in the image.

DWORD GetScanWidth(




Number of columns or zero on failure.


This function returns the state of the illumination LEDs.

BOOL IllumIsOnICMedia(




Zero if OFF, non-zero if ON.

IMAGETEAM™ 4X00 Series Hardware Interface Layer Specification


Image 13
Contents User’s Guide FCC/CE DisclaimerIT4300 is intended for use in CDRH/IEC Class 2 devices Laser Eye Safety Statement for IT4300 Series EnginesPage Table of Contents Page User Layer Design OverviewOEM API Layer Image Acquisition LayerAimIsOnICMedia Alphabetic Function ListAimOffICMedia AimOnICMediaCaptureInitiatedICMedia BindPhysicalMemoryToVirtualMemoryICMediaDeinitializeImageLineDataProcessingICMedia DeinitializeVsyncProcessingICMediaDisableVsyncInterruptICMedia DisableImageLineDataProcessingICMediaEnableImageLineDataProcessingICMedia EnableVsyncInterruptICMediaGetFrequencyPerFrameOfLineDataCallbackICMedia FreePhysicalScanSpaceICMediaGetHardwareDllRevisionICMedia GetNumberOfValidRowsICMedia GetImagerPropertiesICMediaBool GetImagerPropertiesICMedia Dword GetNumberOfValidRowsICMediaGetScanHeightICMedia GetRegisterSettingsForHHPExposureControlICMediaGetScanWidthICMedia IllumIsOnICMediaImagerPowerDownICMedia ImagerIsPoweredICMediaImagerPowerOffAndSuspendICMedia IllumOffICMediaImagerPowerUpICMedia ImagerPowerOnAndResumeICMediaInDownTimeICMedia InitializeImageLineDataProcessingICMedia InitCaptureICMediaInitializeVsyncProcessingICMedia ReadIICICMedia RequestSynchronizedPowerDownICMediaRegisterImageLineDataNotificationICMedia RegisterVsyncNotificationICMediaSynchronizedPowerDownICMedia ResetTransferHardwareICMediaUnBindPhysicalMemoryFromVirtualMemoryICMedia WaitForVsyncICMediaWriteIICICMedia WaitMillisecondsICMediaVoid WaitMillisecondsICMedia Dword nTime Programming Notes Online Technical Assistance Technical AssistanceImageteam 4X00 Series Hardware Interface Layer Specification Page Hand Held Products, Inc