Hand Held Products 4X00 Series manual Alphabetic Function List, AimIsOnICMedia, AimOffICMedia

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Alphabetic Function List

The following is a list of functions that the ImagerHardware DLL must export to support the imaging device driver. The functions described below are specific to the IC Media imager and the ICMedia product specification and should be reviewed for coherency with this document.


This function returns the state of the aimer.

BOOL AimIsOnICMedia(




Zero if OFF, non-zero if ON.


This function turns off the aimer.

BOOL TurnAimerOffICMedia(




Zero on failure, non-zero on success


This function turns on the aimer.

BOOL TurnAimerOnICMedia(




Zero on failure, non-zero on success.


This function reserves the physical memory for a single image. It does not matter to the driver how physical memory is handled on the specific platform. When the "pseudo-handle" is passed to various functions, a specific block of physical memory is referenced.

DWORD AllocatePhysicalScanSpaceICMedia(




DWORD - a "pseudo-handle" to physical memory on success. This "pseudo-handle" will be used to communicate a specific physical buffer when other memory functions are called. This function returns zero on failure.


IMAGETEAM™ 4X00 Series Hardware Interface Layer Specification

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Contents User’s Guide Disclaimer FCC/CELaser Eye Safety Statement for IT4300 Series Engines IT4300 is intended for use in CDRH/IEC Class 2 devicesPage Table of Contents Page Design Overview User LayerOEM API Layer Image Acquisition LayerAlphabetic Function List AimIsOnICMediaAimOffICMedia AimOnICMediaBindPhysicalMemoryToVirtualMemoryICMedia CaptureInitiatedICMediaDeinitializeImageLineDataProcessingICMedia DeinitializeVsyncProcessingICMediaDisableImageLineDataProcessingICMedia DisableVsyncInterruptICMediaEnableImageLineDataProcessingICMedia EnableVsyncInterruptICMediaGetHardwareDllRevisionICMedia FreePhysicalScanSpaceICMediaGetFrequencyPerFrameOfLineDataCallbackICMedia GetImagerPropertiesICMedia GetNumberOfValidRowsICMediaBool GetImagerPropertiesICMedia Dword GetNumberOfValidRowsICMediaGetRegisterSettingsForHHPExposureControlICMedia GetScanHeightICMediaGetScanWidthICMedia IllumIsOnICMediaImagerIsPoweredICMedia ImagerPowerDownICMediaImagerPowerOffAndSuspendICMedia IllumOffICMediaInDownTimeICMedia ImagerPowerOnAndResumeICMediaImagerPowerUpICMedia InitializeVsyncProcessingICMedia InitCaptureICMediaInitializeImageLineDataProcessingICMedia RequestSynchronizedPowerDownICMedia ReadIICICMediaRegisterImageLineDataNotificationICMedia RegisterVsyncNotificationICMediaResetTransferHardwareICMedia SynchronizedPowerDownICMediaUnBindPhysicalMemoryFromVirtualMemoryICMedia WaitForVsyncICMediaVoid WaitMillisecondsICMedia Dword nTime WaitMillisecondsICMediaWriteIICICMedia Programming Notes Technical Assistance Online Technical AssistanceImageteam 4X00 Series Hardware Interface Layer Specification Page Hand Held Products, Inc