Dell PCI3 manual Time-of-day not set - please run SETUP program

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Time-of-day not set - please run SETUP program

The operating life of the battery can extend up to 10 years. The battery may need replacing if an incorrect time or date is displayed during the boot routine along with a message such as:

Time-of-day not set - please run SETUP program


Invalid configuration information - please run SETUP program


Strike the F1 key to continue,

F2 to run the setup utility

To determine whether the battery needs replacing, reenter the time and date through the System Setup program and exit the program properly to save the information. Turn off and unplug your system for a few hours, and then plug in and turn on your system. Enter the System Setup program. If the date and time are not correct in the System Setup program, replace your battery.

You can operate your system without a battery; however, without a battery, the sys- tem configuration information maintained by the battery is erased if the system is unplugged or AC power is lost. In this case, you must enter the System Setup pro- gram and reset the configuration options.

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Use the following procedure to replace the system battery with another CR2032 coin- cell battery:

1.If you have not already done so, make a copy of your system configuration infor- mation in the System Setup program. If the settings are lost while you are replacing the battery, you can refer to your written or printed copy of the system configuration information to restore the correct settings. See your User's Guide for instructions.

2.Remove the computer cover according to the instructions in “Removing the Computer Cover” in Chapter 7.



3.To access the battery on the system board, rotate the power supply as described “Rotating the Power Supply Away From the System Board” in Chapter 7.

NOTE: If an expansion card obstructs your access to the battery, you may find it helpful to remove the card temporarily while you work. See “Expansion Cards,” for information on removing and installing expansion cards.

Installing System Board Options 8-17

Image 17
Contents Use Figure 8-1 to locate the system board features This chapter describes how to install the following optionsInstalling System Board Options Peripheral Component Interconnect PCI expansion cards System memoryconnector POWER1 main power inputinterface connector connectors PARALLELFollow this general procedure to install an expansion card 8-4 Installation and Troubleshooting Guide 4. Insert the expansion card into the expansion-card connector3. Unlatch the card guide as shown in Figure unlatching card guidePage Follow this general procedure to remove an expansion card computer memory module socketfront of 8-8 Installation and Troubleshooting Guide Use the following procedure to install a memory module see Figure The following items are included in the microprocessor upgrade kit 1. Remove the computer cover according to the instructions in “Removing the Computer Cover,” in Chapter 5. Remove the heat sink Page 9. Install the microprocessor chip in the socket see Figure socket securing clip heat sink microprocessor chipVRM socket VRM latches microprocessor13. Connect the FAN1 connector 14. Replace the air shroud Strike the F1 key to continue F2 to run the setup utility Time-of-day not set - please run SETUP programInvalid configuration information - please run SETUP program 8-18 Installation and Troubleshooting Guide battery BATTERY socket10. Turn off your computer, and unplug it for at least 10 minutes 8-20 Installation and Troubleshooting Guide