Using Your Inspiron Laptop
Touch Pad Gestures
Allows you to scroll through content. The scroll feature includes:
Traditional Scroll — Allows you to scroll up or down, and right or left.
To scroll up or down:
Move a finger up or down in the vertical scroll zone (extreme right of the touch pad).
To scroll right or left:
Move a finger right or left in the horizontal scroll zone (extreme bottom of the touch pad).
Circular Scroll — Allows you to scroll up or down, and right or left.
To scroll up or down:
Move a finger in the vertical scroll zone (extreme right of
the touch pad), in a clockwise circular motion to scroll up or counterclockwise circular motion to scroll down.
To scroll right or left:
Move a finger in the horizontal scroll zone (extreme bottom of the touch pad), in a clockwise circular motion to scroll right or counterclockwise circular motion to scroll left.