Introduction to LOGO
This Section is intended to introduce the subject of LOGO, with examples, and provide a guide to the commands available. It is not intended to be an exhaustive tutorial or reference guide. That will be provided by A GUIDE to LOGO (SOFT 160)
Subjects covered are:
•Concept of LOGO
•Loading and Running Dr LOGO
•Turtle Graphics
•Writing your own procedures
•Editing your own procedures
4.1 What is LOGO
Logo can help you grow as a programmer, whether or not you have ever programmed before.
Logo is a powerful programming language that is rapidly gaining popularity because it is so easy to learn and use.
You use procedures as building blocks to create Logo programs. Dr. Logo itself is a collection of procedures, called primitives, that you use to build your own programs.
During the 1970's, a team of computer scientists and educators under the direction of Seymour Papert, developed Logo with turtle graphics to allow very young children to program and use a computer.
They developed the turtle so that young learners could have, as Papert says, "an object to think with", a tool to help them learn in new ways.
In the form of an arrow head, the turtle can be directed across the screen by the use of simple commands.
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