Kindle User’s Guide 39
Chapter 3 Reading on Kindle
Chapter 3
Reading on Kindle
Kindle retains the best qualities of printed books, but adds many features that are available only through digital technologies such as word lookup, changeable text size, clippings, annotations, and sharing. This chapter explains more about Kindle’s reading features.
3.1 Types of Content
There are many types of reading material available for your Kindle, such as books, audiobooks, newspapers, magazines, and blogs. If you want to begin purchasing and downloading reading material, you can learn more in Chapter 5. You can even have Amazon convert and deliver personal documents to your Kindle. The different types of supported content are described below.
Thousands of books in different
The Kindle Store offers a selection of U.S. and international newspapers. Subscriptions are delivered wirelessly to your Kindle so that the latest edition arrives as soon as it is available, and every newspaper subscription starts with a free trial.
The Kindle Store offers an expanding selection of magazines to meet every interest. As with newspapers, all magazine subscriptions are delivered wirelessly and start with a free trial.
The Kindle Store offers thousands of Kindle blogs, including
Personal Documents
In addition to purchased content, you can read your personal documents on Kindle.
Kindle can display a PDF document without losing the formatting of the original file. You can either drag PDF files over USB to your device or
If you have PDF files, or files formatted as text, Microsoft Word, HTML, or image files like GIF or JPEG, you can