•SMS service center: enter your message service center number (avail- able form your operator).
•Voice mail number: enter the voicemail box number (available form your operator).
•Send as: depending on the device that will receive your message, tap to select a format for sending messages.
•Send SMS: tap to select the type of carrier that is used to send your messages.
•Delivery report: tap to check or uncheck the checkbox. If checked, after you send a message, the operator will send you a report, letting you know if the message is sent successfully.
•Reply path: tap to check or uncheck the checkbox. If checked, the reply path feature allows the recipient of your message to send you a reply message via your message center.
•Relative validity and Absolute validity: the validity determines the dura- tion of time the message is stored in the message center if it can not be successfully received by the receiver. You can specify the duration by tapping Relative validity and specify a certain weeks, days or hours. Or, you can specify the deadline date by tapping Absolute validity and select a date.