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Bookstore row shows latest books from Barnes & Noble (scrollable). Tap on any media to display description, synopsis and Buy options.
Tap Bookstore to launch web browser and go to Barnes & Noble’s website.
Indicates last B&N bookstore update.
Sync with your Barnes & Noble account to get the newest issues of active subscriptions.
My Library:
05/01/10 06/01/10 06/26/10
Row 1 displays your recently viewed media.
Row 2 displays media in your device (scrollable). The most recent downloaded media displays in the first position. If desired, tap Title to sort by media title, or Author to sort by author’s first name.
Tap My Library for quick access to your My Library screen.
Tap on any media icon in the My Library rows to open and display the media in the
Application Quick Launch Bar (scrollable). Tap application icons to launch.
Tap to hide the Application Quick Launch Bar. Finger slide upward (using your fingernail) from the bottom of the screen to
Dates on eMagazines and eNewspapers indicate publication issue date.