The Amps & Cabs • Blackface – based on a 1964 Fender Deluxe Reverb
Blackface – based on a 1964 Fender Deluxe Reverb
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The Holy Grail for many blues, country, and “roots” players has been a blackface Fender Deluxe Reverb. The particular amp we studied for modeling was built in 1964, and is truly one of the finest examples of what a Deluxe Reverb can be.
Most players love a Deluxe when it’s turned up to about 7 for a nice gritty sound that cleans up when you back off your guitar’s volume knob just a little. Notice how the tone control response changes as this Amp Model’s Drive is changed: clean settings are crisp and present, while more driven settings will mellow the high end. This is typical of what you get from a Deluxe and is nicely captured here.
The Deluxe itself has only Bass and Treble controls. The Mid knob of Duoverb’s Blackface model lets you add some
The Cabinet Model is based on the Deluxe, which is loaded with one
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