Out Ceiling/Output Meter
-Default 0dB
The Out Ceiling fader sets maximum output level, scaling the output signal to reach the out ceiling value but not exceed it.
The Out Ceiling fader is located on the Output Meter. Below the Output Meter are Waves standard peak indicators. Click the peak indicator field to reset.
Threshold/Out Ceiling Link
The button lets you adjust the Threshold and the Out Ceiling faders simultaneously, allowing threshold setting changes while monitoring the limiter effect without its makeup gain action.
Attenuation Meter
The Attenuation Meter displays the overall (wideband) attenuation.
Ultramaximizer Profiles
Basic Profile
Extreme Analog
Semi Separated
WideBand ARC
WideBand Manual
Cosy & Warm
Loud & Proud
Lean & Mean
Low Level Loudness
- Default
Basic Profile
The Profiles drop down menu contains factory settings for the