Waves L3-LL user manual Band Controls, Separation, Crossover Xover Controls, Per Band Solo

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Band Controls

L3-LL User Manual

Band Controls

The Band Controls section features controls over the Crossover network which splits the input into Frequency Bands. Each Band has controls for Solo, Gain, Priority, Release, and a Meter displaying the input level.


-Range 0 to 100

-Default 100

Separation is similar to a filter cutoff slope (or Q) between the bands’ sidechain being fed to the PLMixer™. At low Separation settings, crossover slopes between bands are moderate, creating more overlap between the bands. At higher Separation settings, the crossover slopes are steeper, resulting in less overlap between the bands.

Crossover (Xover) Controls

Just below the graph are the Crossover frequency adjustment controls. There are 4 Crossovers in the L3-LL. Each sets the cutoff frequencies for the corresponding High Pass and Low Pass filters.

Each of the four Crossovers has a unique range of frequencies, as follows:

LOW Range: 20Hz to 350Hz. Default to 80Hz.

LOW MID Range: 150Hz to 300Hz. Default to 320Hz.

HI MID Range: 1000Hz to 5000Hz. Default to 1278Hz.

HI Range: 3kHz to 11kHz. Default to 5113Hz.

Per Band Solo

Solo the frequency band to adjust the frequency bandwidth. Solo outputs the signal post the crossovers and pre the dynamic process.


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Contents L3-LLMultimaximizer Page TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.1 Welcome Chapter 1 - Introduction1.2 Product Overview Page Separation 1.3 Concepts and TerminologyThe Peak Limiting Mixer Gain and PriorityL3-LLRelease Behavior 1.4 ComponentsChapter 2 - Quickstart Guide Chapter 3 - Controls and Interface 3.1 Global Limiter SectionThreshold/Input Meter Ultramaximizer Profiles Out Ceiling/Output MeterThreshold/Out Ceiling Link Attenuation MeterRange x0.1 to Ultramaximizer Release3.2 Graph Display and Controls Section Main Display Per Band Solo Band ControlsSeparation Crossover Xover ControlsPriority Priority IndicatorsGain Gain/Priority LinkDefault ARC Master ReleaseDither IDR Active Indicator3.3 IDR Section Quantize4.1 The WaveSystem Toolbar 4.2 Preset HandlingPreset Types Chapter 4 - The WaveSystemSave to New File… Loading Presets and SetupsSaving Presets and Setups Put into Preset Menu As…Toggle Buttons Deleting Presets4.3 Interface Controls A/B Comparison and CopyingClick-verticaldrag changes gain Value Window ButtonsFaders Band MarkersTAB Functions Multiple Selection of ControlsAppendix A - Controls List Type1 Appendix B - IDR In DepthDithering and Noise Shaping IDR Dither OptionsNormal IDR Noise Shaping OptionsType2 Moderate