Kbps | Kilobits (1024 bits) per second |
| flow. |
LAN | Local Area Network. A data network confined |
| to limited area with moderate to high data |
| rates. |
Mbps | Megabits (1,048,576 bits) per second |
| data flow. |
MB | Megabyte. A unit of data equal to |
| approximately 1 million bytes. |
NDIS | Network Driver Interface Specification. A |
| Windows device driver interface that enables |
| support for multiple network protocols. |
PPP | Pointotocol. A method of connecting |
| a computer to the Internet. |
PIN Code | Personal Identity Number. A code that is linked |
| to your SIM card for security. This four |
| code gives you access to the SIM card and |
| allows you to access your operator's network. |
PUK Code | Pin Unlock Code. PUK is the code required to |
| unlock a GSM SIM card that has disabled itself |
| after an incorrect PIN code was entered three |
| times in a row. If an incorrect PUK code is |
| entered 5d will |
| permanently block (disable) itself. |