Not a “flat” preset, by any means, this has deeper Ranges on the high end, which means the signal will be bassier as it gets louder, and more compressed in the high end as it gets louder. Attack and release times are faster, so the compressor grabs more.
Low-level Enhancer
A classic loudness enhancer as described in Chapter 4 in the
This is not a particularly subtle preset. To reduce the boost, simply lower the Gain of Bands 1 and 4 (they are preset to 4.9, which is 3dB above the middle two bands). Try only 1dB (set them both to 2.9) and then you have a very nice subtle
Upward Comp +3dB
A gentle upward compressor with flat response. It lifts the
Lower the Master Threshold for more subtlety, raise it for more pronounced effect. Note the crossover settings are different from the +5 setup. Band 1 is set to 65Hz for the very low bass; Band 2 is the next octave and primarily deals with the fundamental of the bass guitar and meat of the kick; Band 3 is very broad, from 130Hz to 12kHz; doing most of the work; and Band 4 is the air compressor. These points give greater control over the bass (dividing it into 2 bands), but have no
Upward Comp +5dB
Similar to the previous setup, but with different crossover points, for different flexibilities. This one is more similar to the Basic Multi, with crossovers at 75, 5576, and 12249, so that you have bands for Low Bass,
Multi Opto Mastering
Now we are going into areas that haven’t actually existed yet, other then in C4. A multiband
This is a rather transparent setting for mastering and
Waves LinMB software guide page 25 of 28