5.3 Filter Section | Using Filters |
| |
The Filter Section includes a 12dB/Octave low pass filter and | DYN SC: The Filters are switched into the sidechain of the | |||
an 18dB/Octave high pass filter. The low pass filter operates | Dynamics section. The Equaliser can be switched into the | |||
from 3kHz to 22kHz and the high pass f ilter operates from | sidechain independently. Note that DYN S/C overrides the | |||
20Hz to 500Hz. In addition, each filter has an OUT position | INPUT function (see below). |
| |
which bypasses the filter. | INPUT: Moves the Filters to put them in circuit immediately | |||
There are three positions w here the F ilter S ection c an be | after the Channel Input section. This allows the Filters to be | |||
placed: after the equalizer, before t he equalizer or i n the | used to clean up signals before compressing them. Selecting | |||
sidechain of the dynamics section. | Dynamics ‘PRE EQ’ will allow the compressed signal to be | |||
When no buttons in the Filter section are pressed, the filters | EQ’d. |
come after the Equalizer section. |
| HPF | LPF |
With the I NPUT button pressed, the f ilters come before the |
Equalizer section. | INPUT | ∆t | ∆t | OUTPUT |
When the DYN S/C button is pressed, the filters are switched |
| ||
into the sidechain of the Dynamics section. The term/process |
| Freq Hz | Freq kHz |
‘sidechain’ will be discussed in greater detail in the overview |
of the Dynamics section. |
| acw | acw |
| ||
| 18bB/Oct | 12dB/Oct |