The ESS ID is the unique ID used by Access Points and stations to identify a wireless LAN. Wireless clients associating to any Access Point must have the same ESSID. The default setting is ANY, which allows your Wireless LAN PC Card to automatically associate to any Access Point (Infrastructure mode) in the vicinity of your wireless adapter. Alternatively, you may check the ESS ID check box to specify the ESS ID. It will then attempt to associate with Access Points or stations with the same ESS ID. The ESS ID can be set up to 32 characters and is case sensitive.
Check here before entering the ESS ID
If there two Access Points with the same ESSID, you may check the BSS ID check box and enter the MAC address of the Access Point you desire to connect to.
Check here before entering the BSS ID
Transmit Rate
The 11Mbps Wireless LAN CF Card provides various data rate options for you to select. Data rates options include Fully Auto, 2 Mb, Auto 1 or 2 Mb, 5.5 Mb, and 11 Mb. In most networking scenarios, you will see that the
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