Windows Server 2008 (32-bit)
1.At Found New Hardware window, click Locate and install driver software (recommended).
2.Click Don't search online.
3.Click I don't have the disc. Show me other options.
4.Click Browse my computer for driver software.
5.Insert the driver CD. Type D:\32bit, then click Next. (Change D: to match your
6.Click Close to complete the installation.
Windows Server 2008 (64-bit)
1.At Found New Hardware window, click Locate and install driver software (recommended).
2.Click I don't have the disc. Show me other options.
3.Click Browse my computer for driver software.
4.Insert the driver CD. Type D:\64bit, then click Next. (Change D: to match your
5.Click Close to complete the installation.
1.At the Found New Hardware Wizard, click Next.
2.Select Search for a suitable driver for my device (Recommended), then click Next.
3.Select Specify the location, uncheck the other boxes, then click Next.
4.Insert the driver CD, type in D:\2000, then click OK. (Change D: to match your
5.Click Next, then click Finish.
6.Click Yes to restart to complete the installation.