Setting theHeadAtomicH1 orTimeH2and Date
to synchronize. Once it is successful, the clock displays extremely accurate time and the correct date. A successfully synchronized clock features a
The clock is a radio device and, like a mobile phone or the radio, in certain locations and times of day, it may not pick up a strong enough signal to synchronize. If the clock fails to synchronize in the first attempt, it reattempts at the top of every hour until 12:00 a.m. In most cases, the clock synchronizes overnight as the radio signal is the strongest in the early morning. You can leave the clock to synchronize at a later time or you can set the clock manually. As noted below, a manually set clock still attempts to synchronize itself automatically at the top of every hour.
Note: Regarding forced synchronization and halting of synchroniza- tion, if you want the clock to attempt synchronization, press and hold the MODE button. This activates the synchronization process. If the clock is in synchronization mode, then press and hold MODE to halt synchronization.