Installing the Printer Driver and Software
Setting up options
❒Changing the printer settings requires Manage Printers permission. Members of the Administrators and Power Users groups have Manage Printers permis- sion by default. When you set up options, log on using an account that has Manage Printers permission.
❒If the printer is equipped with certain options (e.g. the Paper Feed Unit or the
3Memory Unit), you should set up the options with the printer driver.
AClick [Start] on the taskbar, point to [Settings], and then click [Printers]. The [Printers] window appears.
B Click to select the icon of the printer you want to use.
COn the [File] menu, click [Properties]. The Printer Properties appear.
DClick the [Accessories] tab.
E Select options you have installed from the [Options] group.
FClick [OK].
Using Adobe PageMaker Version 6.0 or 6.5
If you use the printer under Windows 95/98/Me, Windows 2000, Windows NT
4.0with Adobe PageMaker, you need to copy the PPD file to the PageMaker folder.
The PPD file is the file with extension ".ppd". It is in the folder "DRIV- ERS\PS\WIN9X_ME\(Language)\DISK1\" on the
The [WIN9X_ME] folder, inside the [PS] folder is for the Windows 95/98/Me op- erating system. Use the folder at this level that is appropriate for the operating system you are using.
The third folder, "(Language)" may be substituted by an appropriate language name.
Copy this file to the PageMaker folder.
For PageMaker 6.0 default installation, the folder is "C:\PM6\RSRC\PPD4", a nd for P a geMa ker 6 . 5 d efau lt install ati on, the dir ec tory is "C:\PM65\RSRC\USENGLISH\PPD4". "USENGLISH" may differ depending on your language selection.

For more information about the language name, see p.16 “Quick Install”.