VI. Email Setup
Prior to beginning, you will need detailed email configuration information which is available from your service provider.You may have to locate the server settings information at your Email Provider’s support website, or you may need to call their support line. Unfortunately Velocity Micro cannot provide assistance with this step.
Below is the information you will need:
Server Type
Username or
Email Adress
Incoming mail server
Outgoing mail server
Security Type
You must select POP3, IMAP, or Exchange according to your email service provider’s instructions. Typically this is POP3, but many are now allowing for IMAP service. If you need to connect to an Exchange server, contact your business systems Network Administrator for assistance.
This must be either your email alias (the part in front of the @ character), or your full email address.
The password is case sensitive
This is the address at which your incoming mail is waiting for you.
You must specify a port number for communication with your incoming mail server.
This is the address which is waiting for your outgoing mail.
You must specify a port number for communication with your outgoing mail server.
You must specify if/whether a security method is required for communication with your incoming mail server.
Next, complete the fields for the Incoming Server portion of the manual setup. After complet- ing the Incoming Server portion of the manual setup, the app will test your settings. If every- thing is correct, it will proceed with the Outgoing Server portion of the manual setup. Once that test completes, give the account a name, enter your display name, and you’re done!