| 0x13 | : |
| 0x14 | : |
CH = 1 | :Magnetic data | |
CL = | 0 | ;from right to left |
2;from left to right
BL = 0x01 : Track 1 0x02 : Track 2/3
| 'K' | : ARK501 keypad input |
CH = 2 | : Wiegand data | |
CL = | 0 | : formatted data |
1: unformatted data
BL = data length in bit
int TD_get_internal(unsigned char *str,int *direct_format,int *devtype,int *data_type,int wait)
int i; do
i = TD_intdos_I(0x52,0,str); *direct_format = regs.h.cl; *dev_type = regs.h.ch; *data_type = regs.h.bl;
} while (wait && i); return(i);
| } |
53 | Enable/disable Internal reader |
| |
| Entry Parameters: | AH = 0x53 |
| AL = 1 | ;enable internal port |
| 0 | ;disable internal port |
| Returned Values: | None |
void TD_setinternal(int status)
TD_int_dos1(0x53,(unsigned char)status,0,0);
1F Enable/Disable the Decoder of Wiegand Format (Proximity reader)
Entry Parameters: AH = 0x1F