5.1.1. Programming by JobGen PRO
The JOB GENerator PROfessional (JobGenPRO) is an
A JobGenPRO application consists of three files with same filename and different file extension:
.CFG Configuration of environment, communication and I/O interfaces of terminal.
.JB2 Definition of transactions, data fields and operation flow.
.EXE Execution program generated by JobGenPRO after linked a defined application.
The main features of JobGenPRO are listed below:
?Interactive user interface with
?Define system configuration of the MR350 MKII.
?Define data fields and process flow.
?Download a JobgenPRO application to the MR350 MKII with lookup data files.
?Upload the collected data files from MR350 MKII to PC.
?Print specification of a JobgenPRO application for documentation.
?Application simulation on PC.
5.1.2. Programming by C/C++
The Unique advantage of MR350MKII is to give application programmer the power of the industry standard personal computer. Programmers develop MR350MKII applications by using standard C language and
Borland/Microsoft C/C++ compiler supports a superset of standard C programming language. MR350MKII provides the standard ANSI C functionality. As a result, some Microsoft extensions or DOS specific functions are not supported. For detail standard C function that are supported by MR350MKII firmware, please refer to Appendix A.
Unitech also provide a utility C (485LIB.C) library for user to develop their application program. The 350LIB.C incorporates a rich set of libraries to interface