User Manual
Troubleshooting, Continued
SMSHandler (continued)
E-mail error messages
| Problem | Likely Cause | Solution |
| Error starting and severe | Wrong COM port | Select correct COM port |
| log message: Unable to |
| in configuration dialog |
| open specified com port | Modem cable not | Check connections |
| connected |
| Error starting and severe | Modem cable not | Check connections |
| log message: Modem | connected |
| activity query failed | Wrong BAUD rate | Select correct BAUD |
| setting (115200) in |
| configuration dialog |
| Defective modem | Contact YORK service |
| Service starts, modem | Missing or wrong service | Enter the SMS service |
| LED flashes but test | center number | center number for the |
| messages fail |
| GSM provider in the |
| configuration dialog. |
| Service starts but LED | Poor GSM signal | Verify that modem |
| does not flash |
| antenna is connected and |
| that there is a good signal |
| Defective modem | Contact YORK service |
Use the table below to troubleshoot the most common errors generated by the MailHandler service.
| Problem | Likely Cause | Solution |
| GMS modem loses | Poor GSM signal | Allow modem to re- |
| registration on GSM |
| register. If problem |
| network |
| persists, verify that |
| modem antenna is |
| connected and that there |
| is a good signal |
| Restart of GSM modem | SIM card removed from | Replace SIM card |
| fails | modem |
| Cable disconnected or | Check cable connections |
| USB adaptor moved | between modem and PC. |
| If using a USB to Serial |
| Port adaptor, verify port |
| assignment. |
| Modem power failure | Check connections to |
| modem power supply |
| Defective modem | Contact YORK service |
Troubleshooting | YORK Marine, Controls |
Revision 1.3 · Updated: 070507 | Author: Marc Anderson · Owner: RS |
Project : SMS Bridge | Page 14 of 15 |
File: e:\york\sms |