Viewing Operation Manual and Help Installed
If the manuals and software that were included on the Software / Manual
To view the Operation Manual
1.On the [Start] menu, point to [All Programs], then [Panasonic], and select [Scanner Manuals].
2.Select the desired manual.
• The selected manual will open.
To view the help
For Image Capture Plus
1.On the [Start] menu, point to [All Programs], [Panasonic], [Image Capture Plus], and then select [Image Capture Plus Help].
For User Utility
1.On the [Start] menu, point to [All Programs], [Panasonic], [Scanner Tools], and then select [User Utility Help].
For Presto! PageManager 9
1.On the [Start] menu, point to [All Programs], [NewSoft], [Presto! PageManager 9.XX Standard]*1, and then select [Presto! PageManager User’s Manual].
For Presto! BizCard 6
1.On the [Start] menu, point to [All Programs], [NewSoft], [Presto! BizCard 6]*1, and then select [Presto! BizCard User’s Manual].
*1 "X.XX" and the number that follows a program name are the software version. When you upgrade the software, the numbers above may be different from the actual software version.
•We recommend that you view the help using Internet Explorer® 6.0 or later for Windows.
Operating Manual